Monday, January 24, 2011

first day

so im sick and on deaths door. I managed to wake up at 4pm today and eat

1 apple
1 egg microwaved
1 piece of toast (flaxseed and quinos)

then i had
Oats with yogurt

Then i fell back asleep into a coma

Woke up because my housemates GF had made dinner.
It was Chicken and veggies - but with the sweet and sour sauce.
It was really yum but outside the requirements.

Ill need to give it a proper crack tomorrow once im feeling better

1 comment:

  1. Good work.
    Chicken (skinless + no stuffing) and vegies is on the list but the sweet & sour sauce has a LOT of calories especially from sugar... depending on how much of it you have of course.
    it probably would have been safe today seeing as you ate so little earlier on...
